What is Nurse Coaching?

How a Holistic Nurse Coach contributes to improved Health & guiding questions to assess if hiring a nurse coach is a smart investment

Holistic Nurse Coaching (HNC) is defined by the American Holistic Nurse Association as a skilled, purposeful, result oriented, and client centered relationship provided by a RN for a purpose of promoting health and well being. HNC are guided in the thinking and decision making by professional scope of standards of practice. The work of a HNC is grounded in principles and core values of holistic nursing philosophy and applied to both the nurse and client in a coaching interaction. Emerging from the coaching interaction the client builds on self awareness and the philosophy that effective change evolves from within before it can be manifested externally.

RNs are most suitable for implementing health coaching for preventing and managing illness, recovering from acute medical situations (for example, post surgery or welcoming a new baby), needed lifestyle changes, or improvement to self care practices.(Barr & Tsai, 2021)

Here are the top 5 reasons you may want to work with a Holistic Nurse coach:

1. You can gain an understanding of your health risks: When you work with a nurse coach, an in depth health assessment is done. The assessment tools explore the client’s family history, lifestyle risks, current health conditions, and client goals. This data provided the nurse with the needed information to collaboratively determine the best interventions and preventative measures to reduce your health risks and make you health and wellness goals a reality.

2. Undergo education to better understand your health: With all the information found online, finding the right information about your health conditions and concerns can be extremely challenging. A large part of your nurse coach’s job will be providing you with education to help you better understand your health, effectively empowering you to take control of your own well-being.

3. Empowered with holistic coping skills When it comes to your health, we have seen a steady increase in autoimmune disorders, high stress, and poor mental and emotional wellbeing. However, physicians often overlook underlying causes and are trained to treat symptoms. If you work with a nurse coach, they can address your needs beyond physical ailment and support your health and wellness journey though coaching and additional therapies to work with supporting your mental health.

4. By working with a HNC you can better maintain your overall health which also reduces your health care cost be eliminating the need for fragmented care and may decrees the need for expensive prescription medications.

5. Improve overall health and wellbeing with a holistic nurse coach by gaining a complete understanding of your health and gain reliable support from an expert medical professional. You will be empowered and well-equip with a care plan that is uniquely tailored to your individual needs.


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